Spyhill lands

Spyhill Campus Long Range Development Plan

The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is developing a Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) for university lands leased as part of Spyhill campus in northwest Calgary.

An LRDP achieves the following goals: 

  • Describes university land use in graphic form with accompanying text describing the current and any future substantial development proposed for university land. 

  • Outlines where development is planned and the type of development that is expected on the campus. 

  • Ensures the campus has a framework that creates an overall community and meets academic and research needs, while enhancing our connections to bordering communities and the city of Calgary. 

  • Sets a foundation for future planning documents, which will provide more specific planning and design guidelines. 

Under provincial legislation, the process to develop an LRDP includes stakeholder engagement, including consultation with host municipalities and immediate neighbours within 60 metres of university land. 

The university’s guides the development of the Spyhill campus LRDP.  

The consultation process will be inclusive and respectful of surrounding community members, our campus constituents, the local Indigenous community, and other stakeholder views.

Open houses

Open houses for public consultations were held on Feb. 22 and April 27.

Exterior CDL