Market Supplements

Market Supplements are payments made to academic staff members in addition to their rank salaries.

Market Supplement Rules

No promises shall be made about guaranteeing future market supplements or suggesting it will be based on performance. [CA - Schedule A, clause 1.5]

Market Supplements are recommended by the Dean or equivalent to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), highlighting the rationale for the payment of the market supplement:

  • Academic market conditions
  • An offer from another Academic institution

Do not make promises regarding future of market supplement beyond the end date, never guarantee that it will continue.
Do not suggest that these will be paid based upon performance.
Rationale should not focus on meritorious service, rather on the individual’s marketability in the academic arena.

A Market Supplement shall be paid for a fixed period, not to exceed four (4) years, except where

  • The market supplement is a component of a Canada Research Chair (CRC) remuneration package. In this case, the term of the market supplement may be the same as the CRC term of appointment, to a maximum of seven (7) years


  • The market supplement is a component of a new academic staff member’s remuneration package for recruitment to a tenure-track position. In this case, the term of the market supplement will be the same as the Tenure Track appointment, to a maximum of six (6) years. (C.A. Schedule A, Clause 1.5b)

The value of all market supplements paid to academic staff shall not exceed four per cent of the total of rank salaries paid to continuing, contingent-term, and limited-term academic staff as of July 1 of a given academic year. (C.A. Schedule A, Clause 1.7)

Faculty Association - Reporting Requirements

Collective Agreement, 11.10

  • Within two weeks following the date of acceptance
  • Must provide:
    • name
    • rank
    • department
    • rank salary
    • amount of market supplement
    • date and duration of market supplement
    • reasons for the market supplement - accepted by the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) 
    • source of funds.

  1. Request

    • Complete Market Supplement Request form for Continuing, Contingent Term or Limited Term appointments
    • Source of funding may be through the Faculty or an external agency – market supplements are not centrally funded
    • Rationale is required
  2. Renewals

    • Run the Market Supplement report (HR Datamart) to see those expiring between June 30 and December 31.
    • Complete Market Supplement Renewal form. The options include:
      • Allow it to expire
      • Decrease or phase out over time
      • Renew at current level
      • Renew at an increased level
    • Rationale is required.