Salary Anomalies

Academic Staff (TUCFA)

An academic staff member may receive a salary increase to address a salary anomaly, relative to colleagues in the same department or other appropriate academic unit, that can be demonstrated to have been present at the time of hire. A salary anomaly is not to be confused with a market supplement (CA 15).

The Salary Anomalies Advisory Committee evaluates applications based on the following comparators:

  • candidate's highest degree earned
  • academic and other experience
  • record of scholarly activity
  • rank at time of hire

Comparators will be reviewed as of the same date of hire. The salary anomaly review shall be limited to within ten (10) academic years of the time of hire (CA 15.1).

Academic Staff who wish to bring forward a case to the Salary Anomalies Advisory Committee (SAAC), are encouraged to discuss perceived anomalies with their Dean prior to submitting the application, as salary adjustments are normally recommended to the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) by the Dean, on advice from the Head, if applicable (CA 15.4). The deadline for nominations from the dean is January 31, 2024.

Individual academic staff members may apply directly to the committee by submitting an Academic Salary Anomalies Review Staff Application. Individuals shall submit their intent to apply to hracadem@ucalgary.ca who will advise on the next steps.  The deadline for individual applications is February 16, 2024.

Salary Anomaly Review References

Salary Anomaly Milestones and Communications

2024 Timeline

TUCFA Collective Agreement

Please refer to the Collective Agreement; Article 15

July 2024 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook


July 2023 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook


June 2021 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook


April 2019 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook
