Nov. 23, 2017

2017 DIALOG Structural Design Scholarship

On Nov. 15, 2017, the finalists for the 34th annual DIALOG Structural Design Scholarship made their presentations downtown at the engineering offices of DIALOG.
2017 DIALOG Structural Design Scholarship
2017 DIALOG Structural Design Scholarship

The scholarship, based on an endowment from DIALOG, is valued at up to $7000 and is open to 3rd and 4th year civil engineering students. It is awarded based on the structural performance of a model designed, analyzed and built by the students. Points are awarded for the prediction of the failure load, the load/weight ratio, a design analysis report, as well as for presentation and communication skills. The final presentations of the model designs are judged by a panel of engineers and architects from DIALOG. Congratulations to all, and for the continued support by DIALOG of students in civil engineering.

This year’s winners are:

1st ($3000) – Samuel Fritz and Emily Webb

2nd ($2500) – Alyanna Arnoco, Brian Madayag, Caitlin Rausch and Yong Jun Zhu

3rd ($1500) – Madeleine Fayle, Stephanie Isilebo, Charlie Jiang and Amelia Li