
May 12, 2020

2020 Inspirational Preceptor/Mentor Award

Kwok Wai Yim
2020 Inspirational Preceptor/Mentor Award Kwok Wai Yim

Kwok Wai Yim (recipient)

Nominated by Megan Paul

Kwok is a senior and well-respected member of an acute medical/ cardiology unit at South Health Campus, where patients of varying diagnoses are often seen at their sickest. Through his guidance, nominator Megan Paul says she was able to expand her nursing practice because Kwok enabled her to work to her full potential. He encouraged her to learn each day, but also to have fun. 

Says Megan: “He worked to build a partnership with me: he views students as his equals who come with their own knowledge and capabilities. On the unit, rather than referring to me as his student, Kwok introduced me as his colleague, demonstrating the level of respect and confidence he placed in me.”

2020 Inspirational Preceptor/Mentor Award Kwok Wai Yim

Kwok Wai Yim (left) with nominator Megan Paul

Lorelli Nowell* (nominee)
Nominated by Healther Bensler

Dr. Nowell creates a wonderful, supportive environment for academics and students alike. She has done great work in creating a sense of community and promoting the value of mentorship.

*Was not eligible for the award as she is a former recipient (2017)

Sarah Dewell (nominee)
Nominated by Noopur Swadas
Nominated by Kirn Dhaliwal

As an undergrad nursing student, Noopur Swadas says Dr. Dewell has supported her through all endeavours, whether school, research or time management; she “has helped me overcome challenges, providing me with a new vision and opportunity for growth.”

Nancy Moules (nominee)
Nominated by Kate Wong

Her outstanding reputation as a nursing researcher, educator and hermeneutic philosopher have been recognized and celebrated, but Nancy also has an excellent ability to affirm her students in a meaningful way, challenging them to strive for greatness. Nancy demonstrates incredible humility, taking the opportunity to promote her students’ work as a novice researchers, rather than her own.