May 12, 2020

2020 Inspirational Undergraduate Student Award

Carolyn Dunning
2020 Inspirational Undergraduate Student Award - Carolyn Dunning

Carolyn Dunning (recipient)

Nominated by Krista Wollny, Kaleigh Peters

As former instructors of Carrie, Krista and Kaleigh cite her increasing confidence as a student nurse who could be relied on to take on a full patient assignment on the highly acute Unit 2 at Alberta Children’s Hospital. 

RNs who worked with Carrie consistently communicated how impressed they were with her practice, knowledge and compassionate care. While Carrie also demonstrates confidence, her humility as a student learner, despite being one of the strongest nursing students was impressive. Carrie volunteers weekly at the Rotary Flames House and is also active within her church community and at Easter Seals Camp Horizon, a camp for people of all ages with physical or mental challenges. She is also a full-time mother of four.

Brooklyn Soloski (nominee)
Nominated by Megan Keszler

As a third-year student, Brooklyn demonstrates inspirational strength in her care.  In her Term 4 placement in long-term care, she was known by name to each of the residents and shared individual experiences with each of them.

Noopur Swadas (nominee)
Nominated by Sarah Dewell

Noopur is confident, capable and has an infectious enthusiasm for nursing. She embraces clinical and scholastic opportunities while balancing a busy schedule with work, research and volunteering.