
2021 ɫ Celebration of Teaching

June 25, 2021

2021 Celebration of Teaching honours virtual connections

ɫ Teaching Award recipients provide innovative learning opportunities for students

The ɫ Teaching Awards have recognized outstanding contributions to teaching and learning at the university since 2014.The awards honour excellence in 13 categories, from curriculum development to experiential learning to the role of non-academic staff in student learning.

The awards are as rigorous as they are prestigious, requiring all nominees to submit a comprehensive nominationpackagesupported by personal teaching philosophies, quantitative data and evidence from students and colleagues. Once completed and submitted, the dossiers are reviewed and discussed at length by11 adjudication committees.

Celebrating UCalgary's extraordinary educators

Due toCOVID-19, the award ceremony was held virtually this yearon June22. Butthat didn’tdiminish the accomplishment of this year’s winners.

“These outstanding educators not only embraced the challenge of teaching during a worldwide pandemic,but found new ways to teach and for our students to flourish,” says Dr.Leslie Reid,vice-provost (teaching andlearning), and the evening’s host.

This year’s slate of award recipientssaw the limitations presentedby COVID-19and rose abovethemto provide truly outstanding learning opportunities to our students.Some professorsZoomed-in experts from around the world to talk to their students, while others divided their large classes into small online cohorts to allow for authentic connection between participants.Some instructorsand technicianscreatedvirtual hands-on learning opportunitiesso students could complete their course experiments from their homes. Andothers worked diligentlyto create and maintain safe spaces for those students who were required to come to campus.

ProvostandVice-President (Academic)Teri Balser, PhD, sums it up nicely:“Our teaching and learning community came together in the face of adversity duringthis pandemic, without ever losing sight oftheultimate goal — tocreatemeaningful learning experiences for our students.During COVID-19, we werephysicallyapart and yet, in some ways, more connected than ever before.”

For more information on the ɫ Teaching Awards, visit the.

2021 ɫ Teaching Award recipients

Faculty of Kinesiology Curriculum Review Team (Dr. Cari Din, PhD, Dr. William Bridel, PhD, Simon Barrick, Dr. Dave Paskevich, PhD, and Jodie McGill), Faculty of Kinesiology

Educational Leadership
Group:Quality Graduate Supervision MOOC Team (Dr. Michele Jacobsen, PhD, and Dr. Hawazen Alharbi, PhD), Werklund School of Education
Individual, Formal:Nickie Nikolaou,Faculty of Law
Individual, Informal:Dr.Jean-Yin Tan,DVM,Department ofVeterinaryClinicalandDiagnostic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Dr.Mindi Summers, PhD, Department of Biological Sciences,Faculty of Science

Full-Time Academic Staff
AssociateProfessor:Dr.Miwa Takeuchi, PhD,WerklundSchool of Education
Instructor:Dr.MohammadMoshirpour,PhD,Department of ElectricalandSoftware Engineering,Schulich School of Engineering
Professor:Dr.Jessica M. Theodor, PhD, Department of Biological Sciences,Faculty of Science
SeniorInstructor:Dr. Simon Spanswick, PhD,Department of Psychology,Faculty of Arts

Graduate Assistants (Teaching)
JacobForshaw,Department of Geoscience,Faculty of Science
KaltrinaKusari,Faculty of Social Work
RobynPaul, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,Schulich School of Engineering

Graduate Supervision
Dr.GinaDimitropoulos, PhD,Faculty of Social Work

Librarians, Archivists and Curators
Nadine Hoffman,Libraries and Cultural Resources

Non-Academic Staff(Individual)
StevenNunoda, Department of ArtandArt History,Faculty of Arts

Non-Academic Staff(Group)
Physics and Astronomy Technical Team(PeterGimby, and Wesley Ernst), Undergraduate Learning Services,Faculty of Science

Sessional Instructors
Dr.CarolA. Gibbons Kroeker, PhD,Faculty of Kinesiology
Dr.CarolIng, EdD,Faculty of Social Work
Dr.PollyL. Knowlton Cockett, PhD,WerklundSchool of Education

Teachingin Online Environments
Dr.SoroushSabbaghan,WerklundSchool of Education

Integrated Learning Stream – Electrical Engineering (Dr. Mike Potter, PhD, Dr. Laleh Behjat, PhD, Dr. Kartik Murari, PhD, Dr. Seyed (Yani) Jazayeri, PhD, Dr. Geoff Messier, PhD, Dr. Rushi Vyas, PhD, Robyn Paul, Monique Sullivan, Kat Dornian, and Jason Long), Electrical and Software Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering

CatherineHeggerud,Haskayne School of Business

Be part of the celebration

Watch the 2021 Celebration of Teaching in its entirety or catch your favourite educator receive their award.