Dec. 6, 2017

ABlawg's newest e-book now available

Professors Jonnette Watson Hamilton and Jennifer Koshan have compiled ABlawg's newest e-book focusing on Landlords, Tenants, and Domestic Violence.

Professors Jonnette Watson Hamilton and Jennifer Koshan have compiled ABlawg's newest e-book focusing on Landlords, Tenants, and Domestic Violence. This is the 5th e-book published on ABlawg.

The series of blogs included in the e-book relate to a Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA) project to help victims of domestic violence and to raise awareness of resources and services that landlords can use to prevent and respond to domestic violence on their premises.

"These are complex, intersecting legal issues with far-reaching implications. But they attract little legal comment," says Lois Gander, a University of Alberta professor who initiated the project. "I was thrilled to find that Professors Koshan and Watson Hamilton were willing to take up the challenge of setting out the law as it currently exists so that discussion about possible reforms is well-grounded."

"The job now is to engage relevant parties in a robust discussion of what should be done to make the law better suit the realities of victims of domestic abuse."

To join that conversation, contact Lois Gander at lois.gander@ualberta.ca.