April 11, 2022

Alumna wins inaugural Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella Prize

Dalal Souraya, JD'21 is one of 23 winners of the prize from the Royal Society of Canada

The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) has awarded the inaugural to a graduating student in 23 law schools in Canada. 

“We are very proud of the inaugural winners of the Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella Prize, who represent the values of equality and equity we need in our country as we move forward,â€Â said RSC President Dr. Jeremy N. McNeil.

The RSC established the Prize in honour of Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella, a changemaker celebrated for her visionary intellectual contributions and commitment to building equality and equity across Canadian society and beyond.

As a former Society of Law Students president, Dalal advocated for EDI support and created . Currently, Dalal is articling at Calgary Legal Guidance, and plans to continue advocating for access to justice throughout her career. 

"Justice Abella has been a huge role model for me since the start of my law career," says Souraya. "She has broken so many barriers and significantly changed this profession and our society for the better. That is why I am beyond honoured to have received this award. I recognize the privilege I have in being in this profession, and I want to use that to help others. Overall, I am thankful for the recognition. I just hope to live up to this award one day and make a positive change in the world."