Feb. 2, 2018

Archives EBook Anthology Volume I

The first volume of the ebook anthology, Archives I is now available.


This multilingual anthology was born out of the need to offer a space for the expression of our students’ creativity and to serve as an archive of their efforts at this particular time. In the anthology, you will find different levels of knowledge and abilities in each language. Students wrote poetry and stories and two artists, A. Milaney and T. Schurch, contributed their art to this project.

Our thanks go to each writer and to the language Instructors who suggested names to contact or encouraged students to submit their works.

We are grateful for the support we received from Gemma García San Román, Tamara Schurch and Rim Abdulla. Finally, we would also like to acknowledge the support received from the Writing Center, School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures (formerly the Department of French, Italian and Spanish, and the Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures), and the Faculty of Arts.

This Archives – I Ebook: POETRY & NARRATION - A MULTILINGUAL ANTHOLOGY is dedicated to all the participants.
