
Nov. 13, 2019

Be entrepreneurial: UCalgary launches crowdfunding platform

Students, faculty, staff and alumni can register for workshop on how to build a strong application
Crowdfund information on computer screen
A crowdfunding platform is now available at UCalgary. Nate Luit, ɫ

Innovative ideas, programs and research initiatives can use ɫ new Crowdfunding platform to raise funds and awareness for their projects. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are welcome to submit an application to UCrowdfund, where projects can attract between $500 and $25,000.

“Our community members have an entrepreneurial spirit and there are many innovative projects happening on campus,” says Michael Sclafani, associate vice-president development and alumni engagement.“We want to empower our community and are excited to launch this digital platform to propel ideas forward, and make dreams become a reality.”

UCalgary platform has advantages over other sites

Unlike other crowdfunding websites, 100 per cent of money raised goes toward the project.Recipients will not be liable for tax associated with money raised, and there are no fees associated with using the platform. In addition, all gifts made in the platform are tax-deductible and donors will receive a tax receipt.

How it works

To get started, applications are submitted to a UCrowdfund committee.Successful projects will receive a landing page and unique URL to share with their networks. The platform empowers you and your team to leverage your personal and professional network in support of your initiative.

Information about . A well-told story, creative video, and a compelling case for support are critical for success. If you are interested in learning how to build a strong application please email to register for an upcoming workshop.