
July 20, 2020

Calgary Linguistics Division Success: CLA 2020

Canadian Linguistics Association announces results of 2020 student poster competition
Brittany McDonald, winner of CLA Poster Contest
Brittany McDonald, winner of CLA Poster Contest

We are pleased to share the news announced at the Annual GeneralMeeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association in June, that for the 2020 Student PosterCompetition, the winner is our own Linguistics MA student,Brittany McDonald with her poster “What type ofpronouns do Korean and Japanese have?”.

An honourable mention was also awarded in the Poster contest this year, noting thework of former Calgary student, Una Chow (now completing a doctoral degree at UBC), with the poster “Voice Qualityof Gitksan Ejectives”.

Also, because this is the first AGM since the last contest completed (it is rare to havethe 2020 news in the same year, since the AGM typically happens before the contest is over),there was re-recognition of the 2019 Student Presentation Competition, where recently-defended PhD Dr. EliasAbdollahnejad earned an Honourable Mention for his presentation,“Persian ditransitives: Movement for specificity?”

Please join us in congratulating our students (current and former).This marks the third year in a row that we have had at least onerecognition at the Honourable Mention level (starting from Lindsay Hracs in 2018), and we are the only program in thecountry currently boasting a three year streak of mentions.

 Brittany McDonald winner of best poster, CLA 2020

Brittany McDonald's presentation: What type of pronouns do Korean and Japanese have?