Nov. 5, 2021

Class of 2021: A look back at some stories on this year’s November grads

Andrea Loria, Sarah Weisbeck, Paige Hutton and Zachary Eastman are among some of UCalgary Nursing's November graduands

Andrea Loria

New MN grad and nurse practitioner, Andrea Loria (BN/BKin’13, MN/NP'21) says no amount of clinical experience could prepare anyone for COVID-19.

Read this first-person narrative from a new MN/NP, first published in.

Andrea Loria

Sarah Weisbeck

Sarah Weisbeck (MN'21) combined her own interests with issues patients were identifying for her MN work on cannabis and pregnant/ lactating women.

Read about her journey to her 2021 graduation .

Sarah Weisbeck

Paige Hutton and Zach Eastman

New November Bachelor of Nursing graduates Paige Hutton BN'21 and Zach Eastman BN'21 finished their degrees with a bang as part of a group who travelled to northern Alberta for their final clinical placement.

Read their story, published in .

Paige Hutton and Zachary Eastman