June 10, 2021

Congratulations to the Class of 2021!

The Department of Philosophy congratulates all students graduating today.
Congratulations, UCalgary 2021 Graduates

The Department of Philosophy students graduating in June 2021 had a very different final class from that first day on campus many years ago: online and at a physical distance from friends, peers and professors. These students have had a tumultuous final year, many faced with obstacles and challenges at every turn. They’ve persevered. They’ve connected and supported each other in new ways. They’ve engaged in class discussions via video, email, messaging and online forums. We applaud our Class of 2021, for all that they’ve accomplished, and all they will continue to achieve.

This year’s BA in Philosophy recipients are Gregory Bevington, Melissa Braden, Thomas Cwik, Alissar Laham, Abel Lee, Dylan Leman, Shayan Madani, Karli Miller, Timothy Murray, Giofranco Pana, Davin Portz, Emily Rassin, and Catherine Stone.

Amanda Cha, Erwin De Guzman, Aly Jokl, and Zaren Klamer are graduating with their BA Honours in Philosophy. Amanda Cha has also been awarded the Faculty of Arts’ Silver Medallion, considered one of the highest academic distinctions earned by a student.

Our BA in Women’s Studies graduates are Emmanuel Abbe, Ashley Lazette, Sarah Nelson, Audrey Niksic, and Elizabeth Walker.

Emily Rassin (BA Philosophy) wrote to tell us how much she enjoyed her experience as an undergraduate in philosophy at UCalgary: “Over the years, you manage to take quite a few courses with your fellow peers. It builds a philosophy community where you feel comfortable asking stimulating and often times random questions to professors over lunch or having philosophical debates with friends.â€Â 

The June 2021 ceremony will be held virtually on June 10th at 6:00 p.m. mountain time. You do not need to RSVP for this event. Please monitor your UCalgary email address for updates regarding the ceremony, and visit /registrar/graduation for updates as they become available. If you’re on Twitter, follow #UCalgaryGrad for @UCalgary's virtual Graduation Celebration on June 10, 2021.