Aug. 13, 2020

Congratulations to Samantha Carron and Neha Bhatia

LLAC graduate students celebrate successful milestones
Congratulations on abstract
Congratulations on abstract

LLAC PhD student Samantha Carron passed her Thesis Proposal Exam on 24 July 2020 and completed all candidacy requirements. Thank you to our colleagues for supporting Samantha in this work: Marie-Andrée Bergeron (Supervisor); Devika Vijayan and Eftihia Mihelakis [Brandon University] (Supervisory Committee Members); Mushegh Asatryan and Joy Palacios [CLARE] (Examiners); and Ozouf Amedegnato (Neutral Chair). 


Samantha Carron presents her research poster at the LRC Graduate Symposium

Samantha Carron presenting her research poster at the LRC Graduate Symposium

Francey Pisicoli

LLAC PhD student Neha Bhatia passed her Thesis Proposal Exam on 31 July 2020 and completed all candidacy requirements. Thank you to our colleagues for supporting Neha in this work: Charles Tepperman [CMF] (Supervisor); Devika Vijayan (Co-Supervisor); Cheryl Dueck and Matthew Croombs [CMF] (Supervisory Committee Members); Ben Whaley and James Ellis [English] (Examiners); and Martin Wagner (Neutral Chair). 


Neha Bhatia presenting her research at the LRC Graduate Symposium

Neha Bhatia presenting her research poster at the LRC Graduate Symposium

Francey Pisicoli
