Jan. 28, 2019

CSM members named to ACGC's Top 30 under 30

Making the world a more just, fair, and sustainable place for all
CSM members named to ACGC's Top 30 Under 30

CSM members named to ACGC's Top 30 Under 30

Each year, the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) features outstanding young people in its Top 30 Under 30 Magazine. Four members of the Cumming School of Medicine made the list this year for their contributions in working towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Learn more about the honourees and their commendable work:

  • — project assistant with the Mama na Mtoto project
  •  (BHSc'14) — research coordinator with the Mama na Mtoto project
  • — second-year medical student
  • — general surgery residentÂ