March 16, 2017

The culture of Hip Hop

WSE event introduces UCalgary audiences to important cultural movement

You may think it’s a type of music.  You may think of it as a style of dress.  You may think it has its own language.  You may think it belongs to a specific group—or groups—of people.  

But what you may not know is that Hip Hop is all that, and so much more, and wants to introduce you to the culture.

“Hip Hop’s been around for more than four decades,” explains Steinberg.   “It developed as a way for oppressed youth to find their voices through music, dance, spoken word and art.”

Steinberg, Research Professor of Critical Youth Studies in the , says that over the years, Hip Hop has grown in to become global culture.

Through her research, Steinberg connected with Michael MacDonald, an ethnomusicologist, film maker and assistant professor at MacEwan University in Edmonton.

Some of MacDonald’s film work explores how communities express themselves and support each other, using music--such as Hip Hop--and social justice education to make a difference in each other’s lives.

Steinberg has invited MacDonald to the UCalgary campus on March 28 to screen two of his films, Megamorphesis: The Hip Hop Quest for Enlightenment and Attawapiskat. The evening event will also feature short discussions with the filmmaker and spoken word performances.

The event is free, but to ensure adequate seating for all who wish to attend.