Feb. 6, 2019

Dr. Dianne Gereluk appointed dean, Werklund School of Education

A message from Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Dru Marshall
Dianne Gereluk has been appointed dean of the Werklund School of Education at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà for a five-year renewable term effective July 1, 2019.

Dianne Gereluk has been appointed dean of the Werklund School of Education.

I am pleased to announce, after a broad international search, that Dr. Dianne Gereluk, PhD, has been appointed dean of the Werklund School of Education, for a five-year renewable term, effective July 1, 2019.

Dr. Gereluk joined the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà in 2010 as a visiting scholar and sessional instructor in education, and went on to become an associate professor and chair of the educational leadership, policy and governance specialization in the Werklund School of Education in 2011. From 2013 to 2018, Gereluk served as the associate dean of undergraduate programs in education and while serving in this position she was promoted to professor in 2017. Dr. Gereluk had a diverse career prior to joining our institution including as an elementary school teacher for the Edmonton Public School Board and as a senior lecturer at Roehampton University in London, England.

Gereluk has an international academic background, holding a doctor of philosophy in educational foundations and policy studies from the Institute of Education, University College London (UCL). She is also a UCalgary alumna with a master of arts in educational policy, and has a bachelor of education from the University of Alberta. She is a distinguished scholar, having published impactful books and in academic and professional journals, and in the popular press, including the GuardianÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýThe Globe and Mail. Central to her research is the premise that schools have the potential and responsibility to cultivate democratic dispositions in students, and to thereby assist them to live cohesively despite our society’s differing political, religious and social beliefs and values. In particular, her work on dress codes and uniform policies in schools is internationally recognized and has resulted in policy changes in numerous jurisdictions throughout the world.

For her work, Dr. Gereluk has been recognized in a number of ways, including being awarded the 2017 book publication of the year award by the Canadian Association of Foundations in Education with her co-author, the Leadership Excellence in Education Award from the Werklund School of Education, a UCalgary Teaching Award for Curriculum Development, and a U Make a Difference Award from UCalgary. She was awarded Fellow by the Higher Education Academy, UK in 2007.

As dean, Gereluk will lead the strategic direction of the Werklund School of Education, building upon the three identified research pillars of empowering identities, transforming pedagogies, and changing societies. As a passionate advocate for education, Gereluk will be community-driven and build and maintain relationships with not only the students, faculty and staff of the Werklund School, but also with government, corporate leaders, school boards, and community partners.

Dr. Dennis Sumara will be completing his position on June 30, 2019 after 10 years as dean of the Werklund School of Education. Informed by his own research in inclusive and diversity education, Sumara led an academic renewal of the school, hiring over 70 academic staff members including 10 research professors/Chairs to enable a transformative change agenda. Included in that transformation was the development of a world-leading teacher education curriculum, one which focuses on developing expertise in learning, design and innovation for future teachers. As well, a new model for professional graduate education was developed and implemented that has enabled inclusive access and opportunity for students provincially, nationally and internationally. Under Dean Sumara’s leadership more than $40 million in philanthropic support has been raised, including a $25-million donation from Dr David Werklund, the largest single gift to a Canadian Faculty of Education. As a result of Dean’s Sumara’s visionary leadership, the Werklund School has become known for excellence in Indigenous, inclusive, interdisciplinary and international Education — with research and academic programs focused on developing 21st Century approaches to learning and teaching. The Werklund School is now positioned to become a world leader in education research and innovation.

I would like to thank the members of the Advisory Decanal Search Committee, which I chaired, who represent a broad stakeholder group. They were: Susan Skone (vice-president research designate); Colleen Kawalilak (tenured academic staff representative); Darren Lund (tenured academic staff representative); Yvonne Poitras Pratt (tenured academic staff representative); John Baker (faculty association representative); Penny Werthner (decanal representative); Susan Barker (provost team representative); Cecilia de la Rocha (MaPS representative); Lisa Llewellyn (AUPE representative); Tina Miller (SU representative); Brit Paris (GSA representative); Nicole Culos-Reed (GFC representative); Aruna Srivastava (GFC representative), Anne Kromm (community representative); and Jill Tynan (community representative).

Please join me in congratulating Dianne on her new position at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà and thanking Dennis for his service and leadership.

Dru Marshall
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)