Oct. 16, 2020

Dr. Morny Joy receives scholarly distinction

Professor Morny Joy named Honorary Life Member of the International Association for the History of Religions

Dr. Morny Joy, Professor Emerita in the Department of Classics & Religion, has been named Honorary Life Member of the . This recognition reflects her accomplishments in service to the discipline, and her significant scholarship in the history of religions. 

Dr. Joy served on the Executive Committee of the Association from the Conference in Tokyo in 2005, until 2015, when the conference was held in Erfurt, Germany.

In 2005, together with IAHR President Rosalind Hackett, Dr. Joy established the IAHR Women’s Network, which brought together scholars from all corners of the world, and held yearly reunions at local conferences worldwide: "We were a very vibrant group of women scholars and at the Erfurt conference had around 60 women attending our meeting."

From 2005 until July 2020, Dr. Joy served as the Series Editor of the IAHR book series with the support of the current President, Tim Jensen, as Executive Manager, and of Katja Triplett, as Managing Editor.

The Department of Classics & Religions extends our sincere congratulations to Dr. Joy on receiving this distinction.