End of semester supports

Resources to help you end your semester successfully
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As the semester draws to a close, there are resources to help you get through the last few weeks and navigate finals successfully.

Academic support

  • : you can book a one-on-one appointment with a writing tutor or submit a question online
  • : learn some key tips and skills when it comes to exam preparation and establishing motivation
  • : check out the courses supported this semester and attend review sessions with a peer leader
  • : small, course-based groups where you can get a handle on materials and connect with fellow students
  • : learn various strategies to prevent plagiarism and maintain your academic integrity
  • : get one-on-one, personalized support from an academic development specialist


  • Brief action planning: get support with sleep, physical activity, time management or access to resources in a 15-minute one-on-one appointment
  • Single session counselling: 90 minutes of one-one-one support with a counsellor
  • Substance use support: access resources or connect with the harm reduction support advisor
  • : connect with a trained student volunteer to talk about your concerns and get connected with resources
  • Workshops: you can like Healthy thinking, Stress management or a Mindfulness practice group. You can also get some specific supports through r or


  • Resume Rescue: Need help getting ready to apply for summer jobs? Career Services is here to help with their resume rescue service. They know what employers want and they know the common mistakes job seekers make

Stress relief