
May 21, 2019

Faculty members published in public interest litigation book

Christine Laing of the Public Interest Law Clinic and Professor Howard Kislowicz have published papers in "Public Interest Litigation in Canada."

Christine's case comment, Yaiguaje and Security for Costs: Litigation Tactics Yield to Advancing and Restating the Law,” discusses recent developments in procedural law where public interest litigants raise novel and innovative arguments or matters of public importance.

In the article "Divine Intervention: A study of the Operation and Impact of NGO Interveners in Canadian Religious Freedom Litigation," which he co-authored with Kathryn Chan, Howard analyzes intervener participation in cases involving the right to religious freedom at the Supreme Court of Canada. They discuss whether interveners improve the quality and/or legitimacy of the SCC’s decisions using data from 2001-2018 on types of intervener and the scope and influence of their participation.