Dec. 3, 2020

Former graduate student has won the 2020 Peirce Essay Contest

Brent Odland's winning essay submission is based on his UCalgary MA Philosophy thesis
Brent Odland
Brent Odland Emma Ritchie, featuring artwork by Marilyn McConnell

Brent Odland (MA Philosophy ’20) is the recipient of the 2020 , awarded annually by the Charles S. Pierce Society. His essay “Peirce's Triadic Logic: Modality and Continuity” is based on the MA thesis he wrote, under the supervision of Dr. Mark Migotti, in his time in the Department of Philosophy at UCalgary.

Read more about Brent’s MA thesis at .

As the winner of this year’s essay competition, Brent receives a monetary prize and is invited to submit the essay for publication in the Society’s journal. He will present the essay at the annual meeting of the Society at the 2020 APA Eastern Division Meeting.