Jan. 15, 2020

Get academic support from the Student Success Centre

The Student Success Centre (SSC) is here to help you thrive academically at UCalgary.

Here’s how they can help you make sure you feel supported from registration to applying for awards. 

Are you new to UCalgary? Sign up for new student registration assistance and get support navigating the registration system and signing up for courses.

If you’re looking to boost your grades, qualify for a scholarship or improve your academic standing, make an appointment with one of our academic development specialists and learn how to be a better learner.

You can apply for many of the awards and scholarships available to undergraduate students. If you need support, make an appointment with a grad peer coach or an academic development specialist.

Thinking about grad school or a professional school? Book an appointment You can get application support, or simply discuss why you are considering further education by speaking to an academic development specialist or a grad peer coach.

Academic Integrity is more than just plagiarism. Learn how to avoid academic misconduct by signing up for a workshop or downloading the student guide on academic integrity.

Need help with a specific class? Sign up for an organized study group for any of the PASS designated courses. You’ll learn from your peers and make friends along the way.

Do you want to improve your writing? Are you looking for feedback on a paper? Make a one-on-one writing support appointment or drop in to speak to an experienced writing tutor.

Are you an Open Studies student? The Student Success Centre can help you work towards transitioning to an undergraduate degree and offer resources you’ll need to make decisions about your academic career.