
April 1, 2017

Jennifer Logan | Supporting BHSc students on their undergraduate journey

“I would like people to know that I have the very best job at CSM”, says Jennifer Logan, an almost 11-year veteran of the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM).  

“I would like people to know that I have the very best job at CSM”, says Jennifer Logan, an almost 11-year veteran of the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM).  

Jennifer began working at the medical school in 2006 as coordinator for the  program.  The BHSc is a research-intensive honours degree providing an undergraduate experience which engages students in all aspects of health and health research. 

Jennifer says working with the students is the best part of her job, as is having the privilege of supporting them in all phases of their undergraduate journey.  “From recruitment and admissions right through to convocation, I love it,” she says. “We are a small enough program that we get to know each and every one of our students. How cool is that?” She says it may sound corny, but she couldn’t imagine a better job. 

Growing up, Jennifer’s career aspirations were based on whatever book she happened to be reading at the moment.  She read a lot of books, so her choices changed often.  She wanted to do anything and everything. While having varied plans for her future career in her younger days, she did worry about how things would turn out. Given a chance to speak to her younger self, Jennifer says she would try to ease the worrying. “It’s such a waste of energy,” she says.  “I’m not sure I would have listened to myself though. I always worried about getting things right.” 

Speaking of getting things right, Jennifer is extremely proud of what she considers a great achievement – her children. Mom to six, she treasures family above everything else.  “My children are the centre of my universe, and that includes my son-in-law and my grandson”, she says. “I have a lot of ‘things’ in my life like books and art supplies, but what I treasure most are not my things but my family.” 

Her father tops her list of people she has admired.  He was a kind and gentle man, she says, with an unfailing cheerful outlook on life. “He told the best stories,” she says, as he would recount his youth and his time as a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).   She recalls being blown away by the number of people who spoke about his acts of kindness when he passed away a few years ago. “He was always looking for ways to help others, but quietly without notice.  He is my hero and I aspire to be like him.” 

In thinking about what her father meant to those around him, there is a semblance of that when looking at the medical school’s impact on the local community as well.   Jennifer says it has always been exciting to work here, and there are more opportunities to share the wonderful things happening at CSM. 

“I love feeling like a part of it and that perhaps the work I do within the BHSc program contributes to that in some small way.” 

Tidbits about Jennifer:

Favourite place to travel? I took a five day rafting trip down the Gila River in New Mexico when I was younger.  We navigated the river on homemade rafts and slept under the stars every night.  We encountered lizards, snakes, the creepiest bugs I have ever seen, ran out of food, got terribly sunburned and it was the most amazing trip ever!!  I surprised myself by how much I loved the experience.

What does a typical weekend look like? I try to make sure that every weekend includes family time.  I love to cook and spend a good part of every Sunday preparing for our weekly family dinner.  Everybody comes home, friends in tow and we have a full house and a lot of fun.  It’s the highlight of my week. And in the winter, if I can sneak off for a bit of skiing with one of my daughters, even better.

What do you enjoy most about working at CSM? The never ending construction?  Just kidding…