Oct. 29, 2014

Killam scholar focuses on supporting cancer patients' families

Nursing PhD candidate Colleen Cuthbert is researching the benefits of exercise for caregivers
A triathlete who competes in Ironman competitions, Colleen Cuthbert is now researching the benefits of exercise for family caregivers of cancer patients.

Colleen Cuthbert is researching the benefits of exercise for family caregivers of cancer patients.

Riley Brandt, Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Curiosity, passion, and a desire to enhance the lives of cancer patients and their families — these qualities drive Colleen Cuthbert’s work to improve support for family caregivers. The same qualities recently landed Cuthbert a prestigious Killam Pre-Doctoral Scholarship. 

A PhD candidate in nursing, Cuthbert has also earned a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Doctoral Scholarship in 2013 for her work.

See the full story in the October 29, 2014 edition of
