Nov. 4, 2019

Leading the Way With IoT

Winner of the 2019 ASTech Outstanding Science and Technology Start-Up Award
Dr. Steve Liang at ASTech Awards
Dr. Steve Liang at ASTech Awards ASTech Awards

Congratulations Dr. Steve Liang!

Dr. Steve Liang is a winner with his company SensorUp for his work creating a a cloud-based Internet of Things platform that aggregates IoT silos into a coherent system of systems and transforms them into actionable insights.

The ASTech awards are to showcase the substantive achievements in science and technology in Alberta and to promote the importance of these activities to society and our economy.

Dr. Liang thanked the Department of Geomatics Engineering, "We are one of the most entrepreneurial departments in Canada and we have many colleagues that set great examples, this award is following in their steps".