
Aug. 26, 2020

Meet this year's LRC Graduate Fellows

Congratulations to Neha BhatiaandٳšNikolic
 Multiracial human hands on background
Multiracial human hands on background

We are excited to announce this year’s LRC Graduate Fellows,Neha Bhatia(doctoral student, Transcultural Studies)andٳšNikolic (doctoral student, Linguistics).

ٳš and Neha willcollaborate on the project“Narratives of Color.” The goal of this project is to bring awareness to questions ofmulticulturalism and racial diversity in Calgary.ٳšand Neha’sڱǷɲ󾱱will run from September 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021.

The LRC Graduate Fellowship was instituted in 2019. It supports students from the graduate programs in Languages, Literatures and Cultures and in Linguistics inimplementinga community outreach project of their own design. The inaugural fellows were Hortensia Barrios and Karina Hincapie, who organized a Digital Storytelling Festival.

Neha Bhatia speaks fluent Punjabi, and can read, speak and write in Hindi, English and French. Neha received aB.A. degree in English literature from University of Delhi M.A. and M.Phil. degrees in French and Francophone Studies as well as an M.A. from Université de Perpignan. She is currently examining Indo-European film production culture through a Ph.D. in Transcultural Studiesat the ɫ under the supervision of Dr. Charles Tepperman (Communication, Media and Film)and Dr. Devika Vijayan (School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures).

Neha Bhatia

Neha Bhatia

ٳš Nikolićcompleted a BA and MA in English Language and Literature at the University of Niš. He is currently completinga PhD in Linguistics under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Winters. ٳš's academic and research areas are Phonetics and Phonology, Second Language Acquisition, and Sociolinguistics. His PhD project is structured around the perception of prosody. The goal of his project is to explore whether the perception of prosodic elements can be efficiently modelled to emulate listeners' behaviour when processing prosodic constituents.

ٳš Nikolic

ٳš Nikolic