
Aug. 7, 2023

Michael Sideris receives prestigious IUGG Fellowship

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Michael Sideris

At the Closing Ceremony of the 28th General Assembly (GA) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) on July 19 in Berlin, Michael Sideris received a prestigious IUGG Fellowship “for exceptional research contributions and international cooperation”. Michael’s involvement with the IUGG started in 1987 at its 19th GA in Vancouver, where he was appointed Chair of a Special Study Group (SSG) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) while he has still a PhD student at the ɫ. Since then, he held many leadership positions in IAG, such as Chair of many SSGs, working groups and committees, Section III President (1999-2003), elected IAG Vice President (2003-2007) and elected IAG President (2007-2011).  He then served in IUGG as its elected Vice President (2011-2015), elected President (2015-2019), and immediate past President (2019-2023). The Fellowship marked 16 years of service on the IUGG Executive Committee, and on international scientific bodies such as the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the International Science Council (ISC). Michael is also an Honorary President and Fellow of the IAG, and an International Research Fellow of Germany’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Dr. Sideris receiving the Fellowship from the incoming IUGG President, Prof. Chris Rizos

Dr. Sideris receiving the Fellowship from the incoming IUGG President, Prof. Chris Rizos

Dr. Sideris congratulated by the outgoing IUGG President, Prof. Kathryn Whaler

Dr. Sideris congratulated by the outgoing IUGG President, Prof. Kathryn Whaler