Feb. 9, 2021

Nursing alumna challenges concept of finding joy in just one area of nursing

Bev Stevenson, BN'84 will share more about her nursing journey at first 2021 Breakfast Lecture Series webinar on Feb. 25
Bev Stevenson, BN’84
Bev Stevenson, BN’84

You finish nursing school, land your dream job and then it's smooth sailing from there, right? Well, not necessarily. For Bev Stevenson BN'84, RN and stand-up comic, landing her dream job was just the start of a very interesting career. Challenging the concept of finding your joy in only one facet of nursing, she is a perfect example of what can happen when you step outside your comfort zone. Repeatedly.

Stevenson has never played it safe. From ER nursing in the Caribbean to Flight Nursing with STARS Air Ambulance, to performing stand-up comedy and writing for Alberta RN Magazine. She has re-invented herself – and her nursing role – many times and discovered each nurse’s power to effect positive change, to right wrongs.

At 57, she took a right turn into public health as staff nurse in Calgary’s Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinic and is currently pecking away at her first novel.

On Feb. 25, 8-8:45 a.m., Stevenson will be presenting a Food for Thought Breakfast Lecture Series webinar titled "And Now For Something Different: Changing focus and finding your passion." 

The Faculty of Nursing Breakfast Lecture Series is meant to inform the community about innovations in nursing research and knowledge around nursing topics.

Lectures are open to the public and everyone is welcome. Come for informative talks, followed by a Q&A.