Aug. 13, 2024

Political Science Faculty Member Prof. Ian Brodie at Leadership and Trust in Canadian Politics Event

Acadia University hosted "Leadership and Trust in Canadian Politics", an event on political ethics.
Prof. Brodie speaking with Ali Duale, Nova Scotia MHA representing Halifax Armdale
Prof. Brodie speaking with Ali Duale, Nova Scotia MHA representing Halifax Armdale

At the end of July, Prof. Brodie participated in a roundtable event on political ethics with serving and former politicians at Acadia University. Topics such as 'authenticity in politics', and 'why ethical leadership matters in Canadian politics' were discussed. Prof. Brodie was invited on a panel discussing on the latter topic with Anne McLellan and Peggy Nash. 

The event was sponsored by the Jarislowsky Network of endowed chairs in political ethics and organized by Prof. Alex Marland. For more information please visit