Nov. 3, 2020

Professor awarded SSHRC Connection Grant

Professor Fenner Stewart has received an SSHRC Connection Grant

Professor Fenner Stewart has received more than $18,000 from the SSHRC for a Connection Grant, as well as additional funding from Canada Climate Law Initiative, Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative and UCalgary Law for his project Mapping the GHG Governance Landscape: Connecting Canada's climate policy network.

In June 2020, the Canada Climate Law Initiative (CCLI) announced the creation of the “CCLI Knowledge Mobilization and Policy Hub” (Policy Hub). The proposed project consists of an e-conference, a workshop, and a written report which will be used to help the CCLI achieve a deeper understanding of Canada’s climate policy network at the initial stages of the Policy Hub’s development. By mapping this policy landscape, the CCLI will be able to align with like-minded actors to leverage support for its initiatives through the Policy Hub, accelerating Canada’s transition to a low carbon economy. The proposed project’s e-conference and workshop will connect climate governance experts from various locations within Canada’s climate policy network. The e-conference will consist of presenters from business, finance, First Nations, academics, and policymakers and will center upon a discussion of three topics:

  1. Normative Underpinnings for Canadian Climate Policy 
  2. Theories of Canada’s Climate Policy Network 
  3. Policy Practices within this Network. 

The date of the e-conference and workshop are still to be announced. Several reports and publications will result from these activities.