July 19, 2018

Professor co-authors book on securities law

Professor Bryce Tingle has co-authored a book on Alberta’s Business Corporations Act.

Professor Bryce Tingle has co-authored the book The Annotated Alberta Corporations Act, 2019 Edition, the definitive annotated guide to Alberta’s Business Corporations Act. 

Co-authored with Paul Barbeau of McMillan LLP in Calgary, the book is a portable reference tool with valuable insights in to The Act, including:

  • Useful context for those wanting to understand and interpret the legislation.
  • Comprehensive case annotations related to the most up-to-date version of the legislation, including foundational cases, as well as recent developments.
  • Expert commentary on how provisions of the legislation should be interpreted in everyday practice and how they have been applied in the case law.
  • A copy of the Business Corporations Regulation (Alta. Reg. 118/2000).
  • Cross-referencing that discusses how various sections of the ABCA interact with one another.
  • A preface that features the authors’ assessment of the ABCA and how it compares to the Ontario Business Corporations Act and the Canada Business Corporations Act, as well as a discussion of ways the ABCA could be modernized to reflect recent developments in corporate law and practice.