Jan. 6, 2017

Professor named CBA Alberta/Law Society of Alberta 2017 Distinguished Service Award recipient

Professor Jonnette Watson Hamilton has been named a 2017 Distinguished Service Award recipient by the Alberta Branch of the Canadian Bar Association and the Law Society of Alberta.

Professor Jonnette Watson Hamilton has been named a 2017 Distinguished Service Award recipient, presented jointly by the Alberta Branch of the Canadian Bar Association and the Law Society of Alberta, for her significant contributions to legal scholarship, both in the form of traditional publications, as well as her work on ABlawg. Professor Watson Hamilton was one of the founders of ABlawg in 2007, and to date is still a regular contributor. She has also been published in more than twenty journals in Canada and abroad, with her work covering a diverse number of topics including arbitration, equality rights, legal ethics and property rights. Professor Watson Hamilton has also contributed to law reform in Alberta through her work with the Alberta Law Reform Institute, most recently co-authoring "The Matrimonial Property Act: A Case Law Review".
