April 21, 2022

Professor wins Teaching Excellence Award

Awards given to members of the university community who have demonstrated their commitment to student success over the past academic year.

Professor Lisa Silver has won a Students' Union Teaching Excellence Award, which were handed out on April 20. 

The awards are presented annually exceptional members of the university community who have demonstrated their commitment to student success over the past academic year. The annual TEA is the SU’s campus-wide recognition program giving undergraduate students the chance to honour and thank those instructors, professors, and teaching assistants who have supported and made a lasting and positive impression on their students. Students determine all nominees and winners.

There is nothing more meaningful than being recognized by your students who inspire and challenge me to be at my best. Through this award, I too recognize their accomplishments and efforts. I am proud to share knowledge with the amazing students at UCalgary Law, who will become the best our profession can offer.

This is Lisa's first time winning the award.Â