April 6, 2017

Professors Play Key Role in Expert Panel’s Review of Federal Environmental Assessment Processes

In addition to their public submissions to the Panel back in November 2016, Professors Arlene Kwasniak and Martin Olszynski were selected as 2 out of 8 academics and EA specialists to review draft sections of the Panel's draft report.

The Expert Panel tasked with reviewing Canada's Environmental Assessment (EA) processes released its report yesterday. In addition to their public submissions to the Panel back in November 2016, Professors Arlene Kwasniak and Martin Olszynski were selected as 2 out of 8 academics and EA specialists to review draft sections of the Panel's draft report, and were also commissioned by the Panel to write several additional papers, including with respect to:

  • Monitoring, Follow-Up, Adaptive Management and Quality Assurance;
  • Approaches to Triggering EAs;
  • Harmonization, Substitution, Equivalency and Delegation.

These papers are now available on the Expert Panel's . The federal government will be on the Panel's report until May 5, 2017.