
Aug. 29, 2012

Putting Paralympics media coverage in the spotlight

Gregor Wolbring, Cumming School of Medicine, writing in Conversation Canada
Oscar Pistorius has received much media attention in recent years and this is likely to continue.
Oscar Pistorius has received much media attention in recent years and this is likely to continue.

The Paralympics is certainly a big event in the calendar of disabled sportspeople. But the Paralympics are also a time of uneven and problematic reporting. Media coverage during the Paralympics will be one focus of mine, comparing London 2012 coverage with the coverage generated around former Paralympics to ascertain whether improvements can be observed.

I will tap into the observations of my students who, like me, work on the topic of sport participation among disabled people. Another focus will be the coverage of the “blade runner”, Oscar Pistorius, at the Paralympics, which seems to be an ongoing saga.

I’m also keen to reflect on the Paralympic coverage happening in the days after the Games have finished.