Jan. 10, 2017

Raising Awareness

Future teachers reflect on Indigenous perspectives

 is a course on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit History, Education, and Leadership, and it’s a requirement for undergraduate students going into their final year of the  in the Werklund School of Education.

The course guides students as they learn about historical and contemporary legislation, educational policy, teaching and practices related to Indigenous peoples, with a goal to a better understanding of the current educational landscape for First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples.

“Learning about Indigenous issues as teachers is incredibly important,” says Christopher Klune, president of the  (ESA).  “With the Deans’ Accord on Indigenous Education, Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and the re-design of Alberta curriculum, society can no longer ignore the stories of Indigenous communities.”

“They deserve to be told, and Education has to lead the way on this.”

At a special event held last December, the students’ work was presented in the form of a digital showcase—a video that showcases what the pre-service teachers have learned.