
Nov. 2, 2021

Reminder of deskside trash and recycling program at main campus, Spyhill and Foothills

Faculty and staff responsible to empty their own deskside recycling and trash bins
Recycling Rex
Adrian Shellard, for the ɫ

As part of the ɫ’s efforts to become a zero-waste community, all faculty and staff members are responsible for emptying their own deskside trash and recycling bins. Caretakers will only service our centralized four-stream sorting stations that were procured and installed in 2019.

This change was part of ɫ new deskside trash and recycling program to properly sort and divert campus waste, while empowering our campus community to be DzԾԳof the amount of waste we produce at ɫ main campus, as well as Spyhill and Foothills campuses.

In 2020-21 during COVID, the UCalgary community diverted 43 per cent of the waste produced on campus from landfill — a significant step toward being a zero-waste community. The deskside trash and recycling program will help our campus community continue to increase diversion rates of compostable and recyclable materials from landfill.

How it works

You can keep using your current deskside bins, but they will not be emptied by university caretaking staff. Instead, faculty and staff are required to empty their own deskside bins at the nearest four-stream sorting stations. In doing so, we all take responsibility for sorting our own waste, and ensuring trash and recyclable materials are properly diverted. Please continue to put compostable materials in designated four-stream waste bins.

Similar programs have been implemented in other institutions, and the action of people taking ownership of their own waste and self-sorting has helped increase education about waste diversion.

Not sure what item goes where in the four-stream sorting stations? Learn more now.

Will my existing deskside bins be removed?

There are currently no plans to remove existing bins unless a specific request is made for one to be removed. However, if you don’t have a recycling bin, we encourage you to exchange your trash bin with a recycling bin, as the majority of the waste we produce at our desks is mixed recyclables. You can do so by contacting Facilities Customer Care by phone at 403-220-7555, email, or make a work request through ARCHIBUS.

I am interested in helping my office become more sustainable. Are there resources available to me? How can I get involved?

䲹’sSustainable Events and Offices Programs provide simple tools and resources to help students, faculty and staff take action to make our workplaces more inclusive, environmentally conscious, and socially responsible.

The Sustainable Offices Program simplifies sustainable decision-making in the workplace. Participating offices work in teams to complete checklists and earn badges. All students, faculty and staff who work in an office are welcome to take part.

In addition, this program offers us an opportunity to manage our financial resources responsibly and to minimize our campus community’s impact on the environment. Questions? Contact 䲹’sSustainability Resource Centre.

What do I do with my compostable, recyclable and trash (landfill) waste?

If you have recyclables, compost or trash, please take it to a nearby four-stream sorting station to prevent the possibility of odour or pests; four-stream sorting stations are serviced daily.

What if I have to empty my deskside bins often?

If you find yourself emptying your bins often, there are ways you can decrease your waste, including:

  • Reduce how often you print documents.
  • Avoid the purchase of products or food that come in non-recyclable or non-compostable packaging.
  • Use re-usable cutlery and plates when possibl.e

What if there are no four-stream waste bins near my work area?

While we have tried to place four-stream sorting stations in most hallways and common high-traffic areas, there might still be places on campus that are underserved. If this is the case, please contact Facilities Customer Care by phone at 403-220-7555, email, or make a work request through ARCHIBUS. We will then review the need and viability for a four-stream sorting station in your area.

“As a university community we have made some very big leaps toward being a zero waste campus,” says Michael Love, director of caretaking, “By re-emphasizing this model it will keep us on track to our eventual goal.”

The ɫ’s Institutional Sustainability Strategy provides a road map for continuous improvement in our pursuit of excellence and leadership in sustainability. We aim to be a Canadian post-secondary education leader in sustainability in our academic and engagement programs, administrative and operational practices and through supporting community and industry in their aims for leadership in sustainability. Learn more about 䲹’sleadership in sustainability.