May 14, 2015

Say 'thanks' to a colleague with new series of cards and eNotes

Simple, everyday acts of appreciation foster a productive and engaged workplace
Recognition cards and eNotes are available for all employees to show appreciation for their co-workers.

Recognition cards and eNotes are available for employees to show appreciation for their co-workers.

Even in its simplest, most basic form — a verbal 'thank you' — a gesture of appreciation can prove powerfully motivating for employees and help create a positive workplace. 

Think of a recent example where you received praise or recognized a peer. Hopefully, you don’t have to reflect back too far. Perhaps even this morning, you turned to a co-worker during a meeting and acknowledged their innovative approach to a recent project. Or maybe your manager privately thanked you for working long hours to support a project’s successful launch. Informal recognition is spontaneous, sincere and focuses on an appreciation of an employee’s efforts while requiring minimal budget to implement and maintain.

Practices like these are just the tip of the iceberg of ways in which managers and peers can demonstrate their appreciation for a job well done. These are effective forms of recognition that when delivered regularly and appropriately can contribute to heightening employee morale and improving performance and are crucial to the university’s success as it continues its Eyes HighĚýÂá´ÇłÜ°ů˛Ô±đ˛â.

Committee founded to improve employee recognition

In late 2013, the university set out to establish a recognition committee with cross-disciplinary representation of employees from all job categories. The Employee Recognition Steering Committee, as it came to be formally known, evolved and developed a strategic plan that includes three very important and succinct goals: 1. Promote and enhance a strong culture of recognition; 2. Create, maintain and enable a coherent set of formal and informal recognition resources and 3. Improve university–wide awareness of recognition opportunities.

Survey findings speak to importance of recognition to employees

The committee began by scoping out the existing recognition practices, both formal and informal, across campus. Then, an employee recognition survey was released in June 2014 that polled employees for their perceptions of the value and importance of recognition at the university, how frequent it is given and received and the types of recognition that are most welcomed.

The results of the survey helped shape the committee’s understanding and ability to better identify any gaps where attention and additional resources could be focused. The good news is that a majority of employees both gave and received recognition in the past year and had a basic understanding of informal recognition practices.

For employees, the most gratifying way to receive appreciation is directly from their manager in a one-on-one setting. Employees also felt respected and recognized when acknowledged by a peer for their efforts.

One of the challenges of recognition that become evident from the survey’s findings, however, indicates that only a third of employees felt they receive recognition regularly. Therein lays an opportunity for recognition practices to improve and grow to become an everyday action.

As well many respondents, particularly managers, indicated that they need additional resources to simplify recognition and make it more frequent. The committee took these sentiments as action items and started developing tools that would be more readily available and easy to make recognition meaningful.

Say "thanks” with a card or eNote

One resource that the committee is introducing is a series of cards that are available in both print and electronic formats. Both forms of cards contain shorts messages of encouragement and recognition with space for a personalized message.

The print cards have been distributed to every faculty and are reserved for opportunities to recognize a colleague or team for their performance or outstanding effort towards the success of a project or simply provide a way to say “thanks”. Contact your  to view the assorted variety and select your preferred messages. Once the initial batch of cards is used up, departments can reorder cards from Imagine Printers. .

For those who prefer to send electronic messages, . The eNotes share the same messages as the printed cards and can be sent by simply clicking on the appropriate message, typing in the recipient’s email, including your personal recognition comments and clicking send.

Employee recognition is a win-win. Any way you look at it, being recognized by a co-worker is rewarding. So too, is recognizing a peer or team members. Sharing kind words with someone and making them feel proud of their accomplishments can be a little euphoric.

So, the next time you feel that someone’s efforts deserve to be acknowledged, take a few moments to verbally recognize them or send them a special recognition card. Your actions will go a long way to improving their morale, confidence and feeling of being valued at the university.