Feb. 6, 2020

Speaker Series Continues with Rachel Shively

Joking around in a second language: New directions in humor research
Rachel Shively Talk
A. George (left) and R. Shively (right)

Dr. Rachel Shively, Associate Professor of Spanish at Illinois State University presented her research on humour in second language acquisition on November 22, 2019 as part of the Language Research Centre’s speaker series for fall 2019/winter 2020.

Professors and students from various programs and departments attended the talk and appreciated the organized manner in which it was presented along with the innovativeness of the research. Dr. Shively enjoyed her visit, where she also guest lectured in two upper level Spanish courses discussing the teaching and learning of pragmatics in second language learning and the strategies that listeners use when conversing with others in Spanish.

Rachel Shively gives her talk at UofC
