Jan. 26, 2022

The story behind the launch of the Azrieli Accelerator

A national research vision, motivated by philanthropy from the heart, intersects with UCalgary's research strengths


Neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) are a significant life challenge for families around the globe. NDDs include conditions such as autism and ADHD and affect up to 17 per cent of Canadian children. The will drive research that will change the lives of those children, teens, and adults.

The Accelerator fuels Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà excellence in neuroscience and neurodevelopment by bringing knowledge and perspectives from across faculties and departments together.

The $25-million gift from the Azrieli Foundation to fund the Accelerator is its first major philanthropic investment in Western Canada. It is the next stage in the Foundation’s national initiative to enable excellence in neurodevelopmental research across the country and encourage global connections among Canadian researchers in this area.