June 20, 2016

Student shows genuine compassion for helping others

Student Spotlight: Alston Seto, 4th year student
Nursementor-Alston Seto
Nursementor-Alston Seto

Alston Seto, (pictured right) fourth year nursing student at UCalgary Nursing has been a strong advocate for peer mentorship as an undergrad student.

Best placement you have had so far as a student

"Peter Lougheed Centre unit 44. They were so supportive and it offered so many learning opportunities."

Your dream nursing job

"A nursing job that offers me the opportunity to exercise my scope of practice and help others."

Best piece of advice you have ever been given

"To act for yourself and not to simply act because you are told to."

Who are your real-life heroes?

"I have never really looked up to anyone in my life that I can call inspirational. The closest that comes to that is probably my brother."

What quality do you think every nurse should have?

"I think every nurse should have the quality of compassion. Not only for their patients, but for those around them and for themselves."

What is your personal credo/motto?

"To always be transparent in your intentions and be genuine." 

UCalgary Nursing’s online mentoring program connecting alumni RNs with student nurses for professional and personal growth. To find out more, visitÂ