
Oct. 9, 2020

Take what you need, leave what you can: The story of a Calgary community fridge

Mutual aid projects pop up as COVID-19 widens the wealth gap
The Calgary Community Fridge organizers with the fridge.
The Calgary Community Fridge organizers with the fridge. James Hill, fridge organizer

have popped up across Canada and the U.S. in a flurry this past summer. These DIY initiatives are mutual aid projects, where people take responsibility in caring for one another by a redistribution of wealth and resources.

Fridges are accessible 24/7 and housedoutdoors, where users can take what they need, and leave what they can, no questions asked. Spaces are then meant to be restocked by anyone, anytimeneighbours, grocers, restaurants, businesses, families and friends across the city can donate food to stock the fridge in the same fashion.

Located at902 Centre Street North,has seen substantial use since itlaunchedon Aug.17,demonstratinga clear demandfor theresource.

A UCalgary community member, along with several friends, was inspired by thevibrantlypaintedand freshly stocked fridges in cities likeand, where they saw a level of community care and food access so decidedly addressed. After an initial meeting in late July, the fridge opened to the public three weeks later, thanks to an outpouring of volunteer labour and donations.

  • Photo above:Community fridge organizers, from left: Sasha Lavoie, Jennifer Jetté, Megan Kirk, Alice Lam.Photo by team member James Hill

“Volunteering at the Distress Centre, working in mental health communications, seeing wealth disparities increase during COVID-19, and how adversely that impacts someone’s well-being were real motivating factors for me in getting this project off the ground,” says Sasha Lavoie, communications co-ordinator, Campus Mental Health Strategy, and Calgary Community Fridgeco-founder.

Being able to obtain sustaining, nourishing food shouldn’t be a privilege. The idea of fresh produce sitting in a fridge,available to anyoneatany time seemed like good temporary solution we could make happen.

The fridge has been running for close to two months now and has seen a bustle of activity. “Use of the Calgary Community Fridge has kind of been overwhelming,” says Lavoie. “We hosted a food drive in late September, and we’ve pretty much used every last item donated. That being said, we’re overblown in the best way by the support and feedback we’ve received from donors and fridge users.

"I was shocked by how many people donating to usmentionedthat they themselves have faced food insecurities growing up and now are in a place where they want to give back.”

Withcold weatherapproaching, the Community Fridge team isdeveloping solutions to winterize the fridge.Ensuring thatpantryitems are protected fromthe elements andthat the fridgemaintainsproper temperatureall winter long are top priorities.In addition, toensureCOVID-19 safety regulations are met,a regular rotation of volunteers cleans and checks thefridge.Food donation guidelines in compliance with Alberta Health Services bylaws are posted outsidethe fridgeand.

Support the Calgary Community Fridge

Interested in contributing to the Calgary CommunityFridge?Here’swhat you can do:

  • Donate to thecampaign.
  • Bring food to the fridge to donate.
  • Share the fundraiser,or fridge information with your network.

The Calgary Community Fridge supports 1, 2, 3 and 10.

Learn more about UCalgary's Mental Health Strategy.

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