Jan. 30, 2017

Teaching Across Borders Showcase 2016

Students in the Teaching Across Borders (TAB) program are placed in another country for approximately 10 weeks during the third semester of their Bachelor of Education program. In that placement, they volunteer teach and participate in cultural and language learning before returning to Canada for their Field 3 placement. Prior to departure, they participate in several preparation workshops. As part of the placement, students take two courses in the summer semester and two online courses as well as blog about their learning while on their placement. When they return, they engage in reflective writing to debrief the experience and share their learning in a showcase for the faculty, family and friends. The TAB Showcase took place on January 9, 2017 at the Gallery Hall, TFDL with 54 people in attendance. TAB is expanding next year to including more students and potentially three more placements. Applications are in the final stages of review.