Oct. 6, 2016

Third-year students win 2016 McGillivray Moot competition

Third-year students Chris Johnston and Trent Blanchette have won the 2016 William McGillivray Shield Moot competition, which took place at the law school on October 6.

Third-year students Chris Johnston and Trent Blanchette won the 2016 William McGillivray Shield Moot competition, which took place at the law school on October 6. Chris and Trent faced off as the Respondents against second-year students Emily Koch and Hannah Chernos (the Appellants) on the problem which focused on an appeal from the decision in Duddle v Vernon (City), 2004 BCAA 390, [2004] BCJ No 1430.

"Choosing the winners of the final round was a tough decision," said The Honourable K.D. Yamauchi of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, who was one of the members of The Bench in the competition. "You can always tell when a UCalgary student is before me in court, because their advocacy skills are beyond reproach. This was especially clear today."

The top oralists of the competition were:

  • Fourth place: Hannah Chernos, Nicole Fits-Simon (2L) and Morgan Sterns (2L)
  • Third place: Brett Carlson (2L)
  • Second place: Trent Blanchette (2L)
  • First place: Andrea Williams (2L)

Thank you to all of the judges, coaches and volunteers throughout the 2016 competition, especially the members of The Bench for the final round - The Honourable K.D. Yamauchi (Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta); Douglas McGillivray, QC (Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP); Sandra Hildebrand (Hildebrand Wilde).

Special thank you to Carbert Waite LLP for sponsoring the 2016 William McGillivray Shield Moot.