
March 31, 2014

Two Schulich Faculty members named Canada Research Chairs

University receives $2.4 million in federal funding for research

Schulich School of Engineering's Centre for Bioengineering Research and Education Associate Director Tannin Schmidt was appointed a Canada Research Chair in a federal government announcement Friday, March 28.

On March 28, the Government of Canada once again recognized the ɫ’s top researchers, announcing support for three faculty members as Canada Research Chairs (CRC). As chairholders, bioengineer Tannin Schmidt, civil engineer Joo Hwa (Andrew) Tay, and medical doctor Bryan Yipp will receive federal funding and international recognition for their research achievements.

The Honourable Ed Holder, Minister of State (Science and Technology), announced $2.4 million in funding to the newly named chairholders at the ɫ. “Our government is committed to supporting top researchers across all disciplines through programs such as the Canada Research Chairs Program,” said Minister Holder. “More than 1,700 chairholders are pushing the frontiers of knowledge in universities and colleges throughout Canada, driving jobs, growth and economic prosperity for Canadians.”

“The federal government’s active support of Canadian universities is absolutely essential in positioning our country as a research innovation leader,” said Elizabeth Cannon, president of the ɫ. “The ɫ is incredibly proud of our talented research community and of the contribution we are making in discovering and applying new knowledge as we work towards ourEyes Highgoal of becoming one of Canada’s top five research universities.”

Schmidt, Tay, and Yipp were selected based on the quality of their proposed program of research, the quality of the university’s research environment, and strength of the university’s commitment to their proposed program.

Joo Hwa (Andrew) Tay, Schulich School of Engineering:NSERC Tier 1 - $1,400,000 in funding
The objective of Tay’s research is to develop an innovative biotechnological approach for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment by aerobic granulation process. It is designed to address the existing key challenges of the aerobic granulation while developing sustainable solutions to ensure that aerobic granulation becomes viable for actual wastewater treatment applications.

Tay was selected as a Tier 1 chair in Wastewater Engineering, which grants him seven years in his role. Tier 1 chairs are selected based on their international stature, the impact of their research, and the value of their published work.

Tannin Schmidt, Faculty of Kinesiology,Schulich School of Engineering’s Centre for Bioengineering Research and EducationAssociate Director, Biomedical Engineering graduate program:NSERC Tier 2 - $500,000 in funding
Schmidt’s research seeks to contribute to the understanding of knee joint and eye lubrication, and contribute to the development of new biomaterials that may help those that suffer from osteoarthritis and dry eye. His research involves the multidisciplinary study of knee joint and ocular biomaterial lubrication, including investigation of articular cartilage, knee implant biomaterials, and contact lenses.

Schmidt will be a CRC chairholder for five years in Biomaterials. Tier 2 chairs are selected based on their standing as exceptional emerging researchers with the potential to be international leaders in their field.

For more information about the CRC program’s 2014 announcement, see the Government of Canada’s.