June 9, 2017

UCalgary Law launches OUTLaw, Calgary Chapter

UCalgary Law has launched the country's newest chapter of OUTLaw, the LGBTQIAA+ Students' Association.

OUTLaw, Calgary Chapter: The LGBTQIAA+ UCalgary Law Students’ Association is a newly formed student club to provide a social, educational, and political forum for LGBTQIAA+ individuals and their allies to engage in discussion and networking, and to promote awareness within the legal and wider communities. OUTLaw provides a safe forum for the LGBTQIAA+ community to interact, provide mutual support and foster inclusive and positive attitudes toward sexual orientation and gender identity. To this end, OUTLaw offers opportunities for law students to meet lawyers who advocate for the LGBTQIAA+ population, and assist and educate LGBTQIAA+ individuals on legal matters.

"UCalgary Law is one of the last law schools in Canada to start a chapter of OUTLaw. The formation of this group in Calgary is historic, and sends a signal that there is a bright future for our LGBTQIAA+ law students and their allies, both within our Faculty of Law and in the legal profession," says Professor Saul Templeton, faculty advisor for the group. "I'm very proud of our students on the new OUTLaw executive, in particular Holly Wong who took the lead on getting official status for the group and promoting it to our students. Everyone on the new executive is demonstrating true leadership, and they already have great ideas for events and for ways our law students can serve Calgary's LGBTQIAA+ community. I'm very much looking forward to their contributions to student life and to the community."

The 2017/2018 OUTLaw executive is made up of:

  • Holly Wong, president
  • Darren Chung, VP secretary
  • Natalie Nolan, VP finance/audit
  • Hannah Hunter-Loubert, VP communications/marketing
  • Jay Brown Moch, VP events/fundraising