
March 14, 2019

UCalgary Law makes clerkship history

UCalgary Law made clerkship history this month when a student received a clerkship with the Supreme Court of Canada for 2020, the fourth SCC clerkship in a row for students from the law school.

UCalgary Law made clerkship history this month when a student received a clerkship with the Supreme Court of Canada for 2020, the fourth SCC clerkship in a row for students from the law school.

Thirty-six law clerks are hired each year, to support the nine judges of the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa. Under the direction of their assigned judge, law clerks research points of law, prepare memoranda of law, and generally assist the judge in the work of the Court.

“We would like to congratulate this year’s successful applicant, Alexandra Heine, who will be clerking with Justice Michael Moldaver. The opportunity to clerk with a member of the Supreme Court is a unique and valuable experience for any student and we are proud that Alexandra will have this wonderful opportunity.” 

"Clerkships with the Supreme Court are very prestigious. Because of the importance of bilingualism, it can be a challenge for western Canadians to win them, said Dr. Ian Holloway, QC, dean of the law school. “Having students placed at the SCC for the past four years speaks volumes – both about the quality of our students, and the preparation they are given by our Career & Professional Development Office working with our faculty clerkship advisor.”