Feb. 16, 2021

UCalgary Nursing undergrads benefit from large and small donations

Power in Numbers gradually builds funding for emergency relief
student checking finances

UCalgary Nursing’s Power in Numbers Fund has quietly been providing short-term relief to students experiencing temporary financial hardship for almost three years.  But with the onset of the pandemic, associate dean (undergraduate practice education) Dr. Zahra Shajani says the need has not only increased, but the kinds of assistance requested has expanded.

“Initially, we decided to just offer grocery store gift cards to students finding themselves a little short of money at the end of the month,” says Shajani, who vets the applications for funding.  “But we have had to adapt to changing circumstances for our students and really scrutinize each request on a case-by-case basis.”

Thanks to the generosity of donors – many of whom are students themselves - UCalgary Nursing created the Power in Numbers Fund in 2017. It is based on the premise that even a $2 or $5 donation, when combined with other small or large financial gifts, can make a significant impact and may change the life of a student.

“The Power in Numbers Fund helped me when I had nowhere else to turn for mental health support that was critical to my success as a student,” says a recent recipient who asked to remain anonymous. “In nursing we always talk about how the patient’s basic needs must be met before they are able to truly succeed in their health and wellness journey and that is exactly what needed to happen for me.”

In order for me to be successful in my clinical practice I needed to first work on myself which I was able to do with the financial support provided by Power in Numbers. I am very grateful: I encourage students needing financial support to reach out and apply.

If you are a UCalgary undergraduate nursing student and find yourself – or know a peer - in a bit of a financial bind, you may be eligible to receive a gift card up to a value of $500 to help you out with groceries, household staples, school supplies, etc.

Students seeking Power in Numbers funding should visit he webpage below for more info. If you are interested in donating to Power in Numbers, please reach out to Stephanie Ng, UCalgary Nursing Director of Development.