May 10, 2023

UCalgary Nursing's annual recognition awards celebrates community for National Nursing Week

Meet the nursing students, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners who are recipients of 2023 Pursuit of Excellence Awards
2022 Faculty of Nursing Pursuit of Excellence Awards

Each year, the Faculty of Nursing Pursuit of Excellence Awards recognize the hard work, commitment and success of its community of health-care providers. They are UCalgary Nursing students, faculty members, staff and alumni community partners who each make an impact at UCalgary Nursing. 

It began as a successful recognition program in 2011 with generous support from , Canada’s largest Catholic health-care provider. In 2017, UCalgary Nursing's team of committed committee volunteers re-envisioned the program and renamed it The Faculty of Nursing Pursuit of Excellence Awards.

Due to COVID-19, the annual luncheon, always held during National Nursing Week was not held for three years. This year marks the first year where the in-person celebration was held. 

Watch all the acceptance video messages from the 2023 recipients 

2023 Pursuit Winners

From left, top: Randip Dhaliwal, Arlene Johnston, Merilee Brockway, Term 7 Perinatal Team (Pat Morgan, Pam Hansen, Georgina Bagstad, Melissa Eastveld, Chrystal Marine), Kate Wong, Tracey Clancy, Erika Castillo and Janet Rankin.

Please join the UCalgary Nursing in honouring the recipients of the 2023 Pursuit of Excellence Awards:

Inspirational Undergraduate Student Award
No nominations

Inspirational Graduate Student Award
Katherine Wong, BN'12

Graduate Teaching Excellence Award
Janet Rankin

Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award
No nominations

Excellence in Research Award
Meredith Brockway BN'04, PhD'19, assistant professor

Inspirational Mentor Award
Tracey Clancy, BN'96, MN'08 associate professor

Exceptional Alumnus Award
Arlene Johnston, BN'79, Med'81 

Outstanding Support Staff Award
Erika Castillo, coordinator, Development, Alumni Engagement & Communications, Nursing Advancement Team 

Outstanding Team Award
Fall 2022 Term 7 Perinatal Team

  • Pam Hansen
  • Georgina Bagstad BN'87, MN'19
  • Pat Morgan
  • Melissa Eastveld BN'02, MN'22
  • Chrystal Marine

Committee's Choice Award
Randip Dhaliwal, BN'18, graduate student